Jon Ayres Establishes Scholarship with Legacy Gift

Jon Ayers ’46

Jon Ayers ’46, a member of the Reserve Heritage Society, established a scholarship through a planned gift to Western Reserve Academy. A scholarship student himself during his two years at WRA, Ayers said the decision to support the school was an easy one.

“I felt an obligation to WRA because someone made it possible for me to be at the school, and having attended WRA made my life better,” he said. “This is a very worthwhile thing to do because I believe in quality education, and WRA provides that in spades. That became very obvious to me when I was back for my 65th reunion and spoke with some of the current students. I realized that they are bright and need all the financial help they can get.

“WRA is the type of place that deserves my support—and if I can help one student be there who may not otherwise have the opportunity, then that is a good thing.”

Following WRA, Ayers earned a mechanical engineering degree from Cornell University and embarked on an interesting career, one where a series of lessons continually added up to create the bigger picture of a full life. Ayers credits WRA for helping start him on his journey.

“If I hadn’t attended WRA, my whole life would have been a lot different—and I’m very happy with my life,” he said. “I give credit to WRA for starting me on what has been an interesting and challenging career path. I became more of an adult at WRA than I would have if I had stayed at my previous school.”

Because his WRA experience helped to create so many opportunities for Ayers, when the chance came up to give back to the school, it was an easy decision for him.

“I’m giving back to further an institution that made a very significant impact on my life,” he said. “While I valued my time at the school, I didn’t really become close to WRA until (Director of Leadership Gifts) Ruth Andrews came for a visit and brought the school to me. She made the school come alive for me, making me realize that when the opportunity arose, I should help.

“This isn’t just a donation to the school; it’s me giving something back. If WRA weren’t here, the world would be a poorer place—and the school deserves all the support I can give.”


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